QUESTION: Who is Underdog Publishing?
Underdog publishing, was created by a writer who viewed herself as an underdog in a world of big publishers. (Marsha Marks) In late 2005, her publishing company Underdog Publishing produced it's first little book, Mary McCowski was not a Pretty girl. Shortly after it's release, that little book was read by Mega Church Pastor, Dr.Matt Hannan, (teacher at Multnomah Bible School and Pastor to New Heights Church in Vancouver, WA) to all 10 of his Christmas eve services and the book immediatly began to sell hundreds of copies a week. This was a good start for Underdog Publishing. It should be noted however, there is no mention of God or Jesus, or Church or religion in Mary McCowski was not a pretty girl - the gift book Matt Hannan read.
Now, Underdog Publishing has two divisions which are committed to bring out 10 New titles in 2006.
Ten New titles a year, doesn't sound like much, but if your entire company consists of just three people, it is a lot.
There are two divisions of Underdog Publishing.
Gift Tag Books tm
St. Thomas Press
Both divisions exist to publish hilarious and or true books that bring humor and or truth into the world - in a family friendly way.
If you would like to follow Marsha's adventures in reaching her goal, of being "The Martha Stewart of Publishing - without the Prison Part of course...then go to her blog."